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Ten Interesting Animals

1. King Cheetah: The king cheetah is one of the rarest animals in the world. Only ten are believed to exist in the wild, with a further 50 in captivity. With its unusual markings, the king cheetah was once considered a different species. However, it is actually the exact same as the African cheetah, other than a mutated fur pattern.

2. Aardwolf: The aardwolf is an, insectivorous carnivore that resembles a small striped hyena. The shy, mainly nocturnal aardwolf lives on the arid plains of Africa. There are two geographically separate populations, one centered in South Africa and the other in East Africa.

3. Silver Fox: The silver fox comprises of about 8% of Canada's red fox population. Is a variant of the red fox of North America, but instead of having red or orange fur, their coat is black with interspersed silver-tipped hairs.

4. Axolotl: Axolotls are a critically endangered type of salamander, with the ability to regenerate limbs. They live in Mexico's Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco.

5. Lowland Streaked Tenrec: Tenrecs live in Madagascar. The Lowland streaked tenrec is distinguished by two main features: the first is a long, black nose, which is longer than that of other small sized insectivores, like hedgehogs, mice and shrews; the other is a black colored coat, with yellow stripes and bright yellow spine crests on the top of their head and acting as a self-defense against predators.

6. Pink Fairy Armadillo: The pink fairy armadillo is the smallest species of armadillo. This solitary, desert-adapted animal lives in central Argentina and can be found inhabiting sandy plains, dunes, and scrubby grasslands

7. Quoll: Quolls are carnivorous marsupials native to Australia and New Guinea. They are primarily nocturnal and spend most of the day in a den. Of the six species of quoll, four are found in Australia and two in New Guinea.

8. Vaquita: The vaquita, which means"little cow", is a species of porpoise found at the northern end of the Gulf of California. Averaging 150 cm or 140 cm in length, it is the smallest of all living cetaceans. Today, the species is on the brink of extinction.

9. Jerboa: Jerboas are hopping desert rodents found throughout Arabia, Northern Africa and Asia. They tend to live in hot deserts. When chased, jerboas can run at up to 24 kilometres per hour.

10. humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa: The humuhumunukunukuapua'a is one of several species of triggerfish. It is found at reefs in the Indo-Pacific and is the state fish of Hawaii.


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